Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Textacular Tuesday

It's Textacular Tuesday!!!! Woo hoo!!!

On Textacular Tuesday we will examine common text pitfalls, correct etiquette, and some funny examples.

First off, I will never ever claim to be the grammar police.  Ever.  I'm from Tennessee.  I'm glad I finally learned to wear shoes and operate the 'pooter.  (Computer for you Yankee's.)  However, I can still speak, type, text, and understand, basic North American English.  Some of us are not so lucky.

Was I a little harsh?  Probably, but this is a common occurrence.  I'm not sure who popularized this type of "communicating", but it is obnoxious.

Key take away...

Save the text speak, jargon, and random jibber jabber for your close friends.  When talking to someone new keep it normal, as much as you can.

So I know you've all seen this, but are you guilty of it too?

Next Episode:  Wednesday's with Whorie...

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