Thursday, February 21, 2013

Thursday's Theory: Gaydar Effectiveness

The first Thursday Theory has arrived.  On Thursdays we will look into one of my crazy or dead on theories.  These will be all over the board, and most are just my observation.  So don't get all upset and huffy puffy.

I will be the first one to say that I have awful gaydar.  It's pretty much so the worst ever.  It does work, though.  In my hometown it would work somewhat, but in Atlanta it's awful.

So my theory is this:  The larger the city the less effective your gaydar.  

For example in the town of Bethel Alaska.  Your gaydar would function like a well oiled machine.  Spotting homos from miles away.  In New York're fucked. 


A lot of this has to do with the high concentration of hipsters and metrosexuals.  How is a gay guy to tell what is really available to him?  No one is holding gay signs or anything.  I guess you could go up and ask them...but who wants to do that?

So agree or disagree?

Next Episode:  Fucked Up Friday

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