Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Wednesday's with Whorie

Welcome to Wednesday's with Whorie...

Today and in future installments we will review the multiple types, activities, and environments of the whore.  First, I say whore with neither a positive or a negative connotation.  Each case of being a whore needs to be considered solely on the character of the individual.  We all have a little whore in us, some a little more than others.  This is not to be confused with having a lot of whores in you.  That is a story for another day.

There are 5 different types of whores, but they all have common ties.  The whore will gain satisfaction from using something.  That something that they use is how they are classified.

Types of Whores

  • The multimedia whore-  The multimedia whore will use the internet, text messages, or even newspaper ads to get their satisfaction.  (Ex.  Grindr Whore, Text Whore, Skype Whore)  I am guilty of being an internet whore.  There I said it.  I feel much better getting that off my chest.

  • The sex whore-  The sex whore is the most traditional of all the whore types.  This is the whore that is addicted to sex.  Anyone, Anywhere, Anytime....that's their style.  (Ex.   We all know one...)

  • The tranny whore-  The tranny whore, short for transitional whore, is a whore that is in transition from one type or whore to another.  (Ex.  Jerry was a multimedia whore, but I fear he has become a sex whore.  Don't tell mom.)

  • The relationship whore-  The relationship whore gets their satisfaction out of relationships.  Friendships, boyfriends, girlfriends, partners, marriages, and any other type of relationship you can think of, will and can be used by the relationship whore to get their satisfaction.  (Ex.  The person that changes their boyfriend/girlfriend more than they change their underwear.)

  • The substance whore-  This whore is addicted to a substance and gets their kicks from that.  These can very in severity depending on the substance.  (Ex. Crack Whore, Beer Whore, Diet Coke Whore)

Again, it really depends on the person as to if being a whore is good or bad.  So which whore are you? (You are one BTW)

Next Episode:  Thursday's Theory

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